24th report on Italian tourism

24th report on Italian tourism

05/09/21 h 12:30 - 13:30

Produced by Business International in collaboration with Salesforce

The Report on Italian Tourism is the most relevant document of analysis and tourism policy since its first edition in 1984: in the early years of its publication was identified as the "bible of tourism" as it has provided theoretical definitions, interpretation of phenomena and hypotheses of development of trends in the sector, helping to outline strategies for planning and managing tourism businesses, maintaining this role even in the era of social networks and big data.

This XXIVth edition has a renewed editorial form, taking on a new configuration thanks also to nfographics, which makes it easier and to read and understand.

It is recalled that the presentation of the previous edition at the BIT on February 9th 2020, was one of the last industry events before the pandemic disaster and it is hoped that the presentation of the XXIVth edition in May 2021 will be one of the first events in a recovery phase for tourism. 

The pandemic, from the perspective of tourism, was much more devastating than a war, more terrible than those that have broken out so far because it is an ever-present adversary and devious and undefeatable everywhere. 

Certainly, tourist activities, in their many manifestations, will once again take their course; however, they will feature in a very peculiar way compared to the past.

This edition of the Report gives plenty of space to the pandemic and its effects on both a quantitative and qualitative level, further deepening the topics dealt with in the supplement to the XXIIIrd edition, in order to understand, using a clearer picture than in June last year, what the changes to the market and society will be and to indicate which levers should be focussed upon and which choices should be changed instead, taking external constraints into account.


Leading experts in the field took part in the drafting of this volume, coordinated by Alfonso Morvillo, director of research at CNR-IRISS, who took charge of producing the report a decade ago, and Emilio Becheri, who launched it with a greatly innovative spirit back in 1984.

From a structural point of view, the new edition of the report maintains its structure in five parts, and introduces some simplifications to the Index, but pays even greater attention to the quality of contributions and involving all stakeholders in the sector.


Beyond their complexity, each of the five parts is characterized by some distinctive elements:

Statistics and economics, Tourism services, Competitiveness of destinations and businesses, Tourism and markets, and Tourism policies.


This last aspect will take on great importance in the future, thanks above all to the government's decision to set up a Ministry of Tourism, which was so much hoped for in that "report" and, in particular, in the conclusions of the aforementioned Supplement to the previous edition.



Alfonso Morvillo

Coordinator of the Italian Report on Tourism, CNR IRISS

Alfonso Morvillo is Research Director at the CNR's Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development (formerly Institute for Research on Tertiary Activities) of which he was Director from 2003 to 2020. During his long term of office, he widened the scope of the institute's original mission, characterising it by a strong multidisciplinary approach, attracting new researchers with complementary skills and, finally, promoting its re-establishment under its current name. His main scientific interests are Management of Tourist Services and Cultural Heritage, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Local Development, and have resulted in a vast scientific production in terms of books and articles in national and international journals. He has been Scientific Responsable of about twenty competitive research projects funded at European, national and regional level, as well as of about thirty consultancy assignments conferred to the Institute by public and private bodies. Currently he is coordinator and co-coordinator of projects funded by the European Commission. He is co-founder and vice-president of the international association "The Tourism Intelligent Forum - The t-Forum" and is a member of the Board of Directors of several consortia in which the CNR participates. He is a member of the Advisory Board of top tier journals on tourism, as well as Director of the Quaderni IRISS CNR series and editor of the Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano (with E. Becheri).

Emilio Becheri

Director, Tourism - quarterly magazine dedicated to tourism

Emilio Becheri: is one of the leading experts in Economics of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. He was founder and coordinator of the Report on Italian Tourism since the first edition (1984) and since 1992 has been Director of the magazine Turistica. He has performed research and consultancy for companies, trade associations and institutions in Italy and abroad. He organized the first master's degree on tourism in Italy (1988) at the Politecnico del commercio e del turismo in Milan; he has taught at the Universities of Florence and Catania and at the IULM in Milan. He has theorized concepts and categories that have changed the literature and way of thinking about tourism such as the Hesse Syndrome, the Zoo Syndromes, the theory of two markets (imaginary and real), the generations of spa activity, the first critique of STLs and more.

Mara Manente

Director CISET

Mara Manente, member of the teaching staff of the Masters in Tourism Economics and Management at Ca' Foscari, now in its 28th year, and former director of CISET, carries out research on the issues of economics and planning in tourism and has to her credit several publications in international and national journals and volumes. She is a collaborator for the World Tourism Organisation in the Development of Satellite Accounts and Tourism in the Committee on Statistics and Macroeconomic Analysis of Tourism, and the Working Group on Measuring Sustainable Tourism, of which she is also a member. She is also a member of the International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (AIEST), the Tourist Research Centre (TRC) and since 2014 a Director of the Italian Touring Club. In 2017, she was appointed National Pivot of the Economy Platform within the BLUEMED Programme and member of Action Group 2 within the "EUSALP EU-Strategy for the Alpine Region".

Fabrizio Arosio


Graduated in Statistical and Demographic Sciences. Since 1991 he has performed social research for the Censis Foundation (Centro Studi Investimenti Sociali) in Rome, dealing with training processes and welfare policies. Since 1998 he has been a researcher at the National Institute of Statistics (Istat), where he carries out activities and statistical production as head of the Territorial and Environmental Networks Department. Within the framework of its institutional activity, it coordinates investigation and research activities relating to tourism infrastructures and flows, as well as those concerning the production, distribution and use of cultural assets and services, the landscape and urban contexts, phenomena linked to the mobility of people and network infrastructures. For the above topic areas it promotes initiatives for integrating and geo-referencing existing sources. He has worked as a lecturer at the University of Tuscia in Viterbo and other public and private institutions.

Flavia Maria Coccia


She is currently in Isnart Scpa (an in-house company in the Parliamentary system) with technical, scientific and management responsibility for tourism projects, where she held the position of Operations Director until 2012. She is President of the Committee for the promotion and support of Accessible Tourism established at Mibact. From 2014 to 2015 she was Head of Tourism Area of Si.Camera - an in-house company in the Parliamentary system. In 2012 until June 2013 she was appointed by the Minister for Regional Affairs, Tourism and Sport Piero Gnudi, Coordinator of the Mission Structure for relaunching Italy's image. She was a member of the Enit Board of Directors until June 2014. She was coordinator of the National Tourism Observatory from 2010 to 2012. She is the author of numerous publications on marketing and development strategies for tourism SMEs. She graduated from the University of Charleston - West Virginia, specialising in Semiotics (the study of symbols).

Alessandra Marasco


Alessandra Marasco, a graduate in the Economics of International Trade and Currency Markets, is a researcher at the Institute for Research on Innovation and Development Services (IRISS) of the CNR. Research interests focus on management and innovation in services and, in particular, on collaboration for the development of new services and the role of digital technologies for service experience innovation. She is the scientific head of the IRISS project "Innovation and management of services" and has promoted and coordinated several competitive projects on innovation in cultural tourism financed at regional and national level. She is a member of the research group involved in the project "Beyond CULtural TOURism (BeCULTOUR)" funded under Horizon 2020. Since 2019, she has been co-editing with Giulio Maggiore the section of the Italian Tourism Report dedicated to the competitiveness of destinations. She is the author of numerous articles in international journals.

Giulio Maggiore

Unitelma Sapienza

Giulio Maggiore is Associate Professor of Economics and Business Management at the University of Rome "Unitelma Sapienza", where he holds various positions, including chairing the Master's Degree Course in Management of Public and Healthcare Organisations and directing the DiMaLab (Digital Marketing Laboratory). He is also an associate of the CNR's Institute for Research on Innovation and Development Services (IRISS), with which he has been collaborating for over ten years, participating in the development of several research projects and the drafting of a Report on Tourism in Italy. He has worked for years as a consultant in the areas of business development, strategic planning, marketing and IT services.

Pio Grollo

TREND Studio

President of studioTREND in Treviso. For twenty years, he has been teaching Economics and Management of Tourism Enterprises at Ca' Foscari University in Venice and IULM University in Milan and on behalf of bodies and organisations such as CUOA, FORMEZ, Federalberghi, Fiavet, and Unpli, ....etc. He has carried out research activities at the universities of Venice, Udine and Trieste as well as for Doxa, Mercury, Ciset, Sviluppo Italia, etc., participating in the preparation of tourism development plans and territorial marketing plans. In the field of Destination Management, he was director of the Treviso consortium, una provincia Intorno and coordinator of consortia for the Veneto Region in addition to managing director of Dolomiti Turismo. He has worked as a consultant for individual companies, combines and public bodies. He is editor of the journal QUADERNI di Economia e Gestione del Turismo.

Oriana Cuccu

Presidency of the Council of Ministers, NUVAP

An economist, Member of the Nucleus of Evaluation and Analysis for Programming (NUVAP) - Department for Cohesion Policies, Presidency of the Council of Ministers. She has conducted project and programme evaluations, studies and research mainly on environmental economics, the economics of cultural resources and tourism in the context of territorial development policies. Since 2001 she has been working on programming and the evaluation of European and national funds for economic and social cohesion.