Why Personalization can Boost Your Hotel's Revenue (PART I)

Why Personalization can Boost Your Hotel's Revenue (PART I)

05/11/21 h 14:00 - 15:00

Personalization is the common denominator between Marketing and Revenue for increasing bookings. There will be two speeches in which we address the importance of personalized communications from the Marketing side, and of products tailored to customers, from a Revenue point of view.


Letizia Ciaccafava

Hospitality & Destination Marketing Specialist

UX Designer & Growth Marketer. My professional goal is to make the people around me happy. The work that I love and have chosen to do requires observing and listening to the world through the eyes of others on a daily basis. To do this, I follow 3 simple rules: empathy, analysis and testing. I have been working in tourism for over 15 years, focusing on destination & hospitality marketing, coordinating development and growth projects at both a national and international level.

Antonio Maresca

Digital marketing coach

For more than 25 years, he has been involved in digital marketing, especially in the field of tourism. He has worked with several destinations and hundreds of tourism companies. He is a consulting entrepreneur; for him achieving a good result is the outcome of a common sense approach. He is a lecturer at major tourism industry events in Italy and abroad. He specialises in setting up digital marketing strategies, both for individual companies and for entire destinations. He promotes, optimises and monitors every aspect of the "digital" life of accommodation facilities or territories that need to be transformed into out-and-out tourist brands, thus enhancing their reputation. He deploys the best strategies to combat excessive brokerage by OTAs, and is always ready to give advice on how to 'get it less wrong'.