A new method for relating effectively with various types of customers in a travel agency

A new method for relating effectively with various types of customers in a travel agency

05/11/21 h 14:00 - 15:00

Establishing and maintaining positive relationships with your customers over time is a key element. Let's take a look at the Gallone™ O.O.C.B. communication method and see what steps are required to build and maintain a positive and profitable relationship with various kinds of customers.


Helene Gallone

Coach, Trainer, Soft Skills Trainer

"Now, more than ever, we need to be aware of the way we communicate, the way we express ourselves, in order to be able to listen and interact in an active, effective and empathic way." She is passionate about tourism, and especially communications. She graduated from a private tourism school in Austria (Schloß Kleßheim in Salzburg), she worked as a tour guide, in a travel agency and for a tour operator. She then worked for multinational companies in other sectors. Since 2014, she has been studying neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and empathic communications, thus laying the foundations for her working method: the 'O method of communication'. O. C. B. of Gallone TM'. Its mission is to coach, support and assist tourism professionals in communicating in a professional, empathetic and effective way.