Sustainable tourism, words are not enough

Sustainable tourism, words are not enough

05/11/21 h 11:00 - 12:00

Sustainability is an overused word and does not always correspond to a concrete respect for ecosystems. The pandemic has highlighted a planet in a delicate balance, and tour operators need to have an in-depth knowledge of the territories and fragilities to ensure, in addition to the visitor experience, the conservation of habitats and respect for the law.


Roberto Carini

Owner of the Muciara Diving Center

Fipsas-Cmas 2 Instructor, Ots-Imca diver, swimming instructor and skipper, Roberto Carini’s life is all about underwater experiences. The Muciara Diving Centre, an organised and equipped diving centre aboard a Ferretti Altura 44, was born out of his passion for the sea and the Aeolian Islands.

Massimo Evangelista

Founder Travel Revolution

Milan-born with a bachelor’s degree in commerce and economics from the Bocconi university, 50 countries visited, work experience in France, UK and South Africa. Active in the tourism industry since 1998, passionate about horse riding, diving, nature photography and 4x4, he specialises in tailor-made tours and 4x4 expedition safaris. He founded Travel Revolution.

Evelina Isola

Educational officer of the Oikos Institute and scientific manager of the Wild Horse Watching excursions

A naturalist with a PhD in Earth Sciences, she is an expert in scientific dissemination and sustainable tourism. She works for public and private companies to create exhibitions and workshops regarding the environment and nature. She is a member of Iucn for the following international committees: Cec (education and communication) AND WCPA (protected areas). Today she is educational officer for the Communication and Sustainability Office of Istituto Oikos.

Marco Mastrorilli

Ornithologist and writer

Ornithologist, writer and nature photographer, specialised in the research and study of nocturnal birds of prey, for years he has been involved in the preservation of owls, as well as popularising them, since it is "by inspiring the general public that we succeed in investing in the conservation of wild species". Author of almost 500 popular and scientific publications, he carries out research in Italy and abroad. In 2015, he was awarded as the world's owl expert by the Global Owl Project.

Sebastiano Venneri

Head of Tourism Legambiente and president of Vivilitalia

Sebastiano Venneri, a member of the Legambiente national committee and vice-president of the association, is in charge of the Tourism sector. For several years now, he has been the Chairman of Vivilitalia, the Legambiente association that deals with environmental tourism and for which he has created Asta - Alta Scuola di Turismo Ambientale (Environmental Tourism School) courses, qualified training opportunities for small local tour operators. He is one of the creators and organisers of Grab, the Grande Raccordo Anulare delle Bici di Roma (Rome's ring road for bicycles), and ArcheoGrab, the cycling route that crosses the capital's archaeological area.

Giulia Trombin

Coo Sharewood

Passionate about travel, especially alpine skiing, design and sustainability. Giulia Trombin founded Sharewood, an association that acts as a reference point for active and sustainable experiences and travel, because she believes that travel, as a central component of people's lives, has the duty to promote respect for people, other cultures and the world we live in. Vice-president of Associazione Startup Turismo, a representative of travel startups in Italy and co-founder of Tribò, a coworking space and talent hub located in Milan. Her academic background is in communication and marketing and in recent years she has focused on customer experience and web development.

Roberta Guaineri

Councilor for Tourism, Sport and Quality of Life, Municipality of Milan