Cultural tourism for (post) teenagers

Cultural tourism for (post) teenagers

05/11/21 h 15:00 - 16:00

Produced by Business International in collaboration with Salesforce

The world (and Italy, in particular) would not be like this if our ancestors had not handed down to us one of the richest cultural legacies ever transmitted in history. It was almost never just a matter of preservation: our ancestors preserved little, but created much. Today, cultural efforts seem to be directed almost exclusively at preserving and learning from what we have already received, and little or nothing at creating a new cultural legacy to pass on to those who will come next. How can we now sow the seeds for cultural wealth, and tourism therefore? By unlearning. By unlearning what we already knew, by unlearning by going to museums, especially those devoted to contemporary art (an increasingly popular destination). And starting from what we don’t know and no one knows.


Andrea Lissoni

Artistic Director, Haus der Kunst (HdK) Munich

Andrea Lissoni is the new director of the Haus der Kunst in Munich. Since 2014 he has been Curator of Film and International Art at the Tate Modern in London. He holds a PhD, has been curator at Hangar Bicocca in Milan since 2011, was professor at the Brera Academy from 2001 to 2013 and at Bocconi University since 2007. Co-founder of the cultural organization Xing, he is co-director of the international festival Live Arts Week-Gianni Peng in Bologna. He is curator and co-creator of the magazine Cujo and regularly collaborates with Mousse. He has been curator of group exhibitions including Circular (San Siro Stadium, Milan, 2004), Collateral. Quando l’arte incontra il cinema (Hangar Bicocca, Milan and SESC Pompeia, Sao Paulo, 2007), Check-in Architecture (Venice Architecture Biennale, 2008), Tudo (Pitti Immagine, Florence, 2011). Between 2011 and 2014 at HangarBicocca, he curated solo exhibitions by Céleste Boursier Mougenot, Angela Ricci Lucchi & Yervant Gianikian, Wilfredo Prieto, Carsten Nicolai, Tomàs Saraceno, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Mike Kelley, Ragnar Kjartansson, Micol Assael, Joan Jonas and Celine Condorelli.

Federico Campagna

Philosopher and writer

Federico Campagna is a philosopher and writer. He spent over twenty years in Milan, where he was active in the anarchist/autonomist networks and co-founded the street-poetry collective Eveline. In 2007 he moved to London, where he lives. In 2009 he started a long-term collaboration with the Italian Autonomia philosopher Franco Berardi 'Bifo'. In that same year, he co-founded the (now defunct) multilingual platform for critical theory Through Europe. Federico’s latest books are Prophetic Culture: recreation for adolescents (Bloomsbury: 2021), Technic and Magic: the reconstruction of reality (Bloomsbury, 2018), and The Last Night (Zero Books, 2013). Federico has a PhD from the Royal College of Art, London, with a thesis on Metaphysics and Metaethics in the Design of Strategy Video Games; he has an MSc and a BSc in Economics and Management of the Arts from Bocconi University, Milan, and an MA in Cultural Studies from Goldsmiths University, London. He works as lecturer and tutor in the MA NonLinear Narrative at KABK (Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten), Den Haag, the Netherlands, and as the director of the rights department at Verso Books.