Tourism & Destination Management

Tourism & Destination Management

05/10/21 h 14:00 - 15:00

On-line and Off-line tools for creating, designing and managing local networks involving resident communities.



Giancarlo Dell'Orco

Destination Manager

Born in 1975, he lives in Tuscany (Grosseto), was born in Apulia (Bari) and grew up spending time in the Marches (Camerino) and in Lombardy (Milan). He has worked on structuring tourism products in Italy and abroad for some very major tour operators. He is a lecturer and trainer for UNIPI Fondazione Campus Lucca, accredited for regional strategic courses and specialised in "Local Tourism", "Destination Management", "Yachting & Tourism” and as a "Travel Designer". Mentor Hackathon: HackForTravel and HackForentMugello involve technical support for destination management and Local Tourism to foster working groups, innovators, projects, ideas and the tools needed to relaunch Tourism in Italy. It has developed a new in-depth on-line training approach, with mentoring sessions and personalised lessons, with the aim of transferring new skills in the tourism sector to trainees. He is a coordinator for the Hospitality section 'Destinazione Italia' in the 'Quality Travel’ on-line magazine, aimed at professionals in the tourism sector. He is board member and destination manager for Feisct (European Federation of Historical and Cultural Tourist Routes), and a national coordinator in the "Vacanzattiva" tour operator network, which is a company specialising in outdoor activities. He is also President of the Aps Tourism and Locality Networking School .