Sustainability in business travel

Sustainability in business travel

05/10/21 h 16:00 - 17:00

Green and sustainable travel management for Italian companies



Rosemarie Caglia

CEO Travel for business

Rosemarie Caglia is the CEO of Travel for Business, a senior consultant and trainer with 30 years of experience gained at the vanguard of major business travel and international logistics companies. In 2016 she founded Travel for Business, the first Italian community platform for business travellers, company trip organisers and managers, and anyone operating in the business travel sector. She is registered in the Italian Register of Professional Trainers, the AIF, and collaborates with several national and international associations and networks. Rosemarie has been a speaker and trainer at several events in the tourism sector. With a keen focus on trends in the business travel industry, she continuously carries out research and conducts market surveys, providing the results through articles and publications on the platform she set up. Since 2017, she has been the publishing director of Travel for Business Magazine. The go-to spot for sharing business travel and mobility management experiences.

Riccardo Ricci

Alma Travel

Travel agent and son of the Alma Travel agency’s founder, Riccardo began travelling as a guide at a very young age and has attended the world’s major travel trade fairs. In 1994, he became the tour operator manager. Together with the airline company Viasa, Riccardo helped create the Venezuela catalogue. In 2002, he began to take an interest in Business Travel and later specialised in potential client research, business negotiation, technology consultancy and Business Intelligence. In 2016, he successfully got Alma Travel ISO9001 and ISO14001 certified, at a time when very few agencies had these certifications. Alma Travel began a collaboration with Legambiente in 2019. In 2020, Alma Travel was nominated for the Italian Mission Awards. In October 2020, Riccardo was appointed as the Lazio coordinator for Italy’s organised tourism federation, the FTO. In December 2020, he managed to get Alma Travel an ESG certification (Environmental, Social and Governance) rated A, the first agency in Italy to do so.