Revenue to the last drop

Revenue to the last drop

05/11/21 h 17:00 - 18:00

Knowing exactly what Revenue Management means is essential to understanding why a global pandemic is not enough to undermine the (few) certainties we have. Interpreting changes in market dynamics and structuring effective sales policies. Despite everything.


Riccardo Moglioni

Revenue Manager

Riccardo Moglioni is a Revenue Manager and hotel consultant specialising in analysing online sales channels and developing successful business strategies with decades of experience in the tourism industry. He was a member of the Franco Grasso Revenue Team for twelve years, where he supervised over one hundred establishments (both in Italy and abroad) including hotels, guest houses, B&Bs, estate agents, flats and rural retreats. As a lecturer at the Franco Grasso Revenue Academy, he has also gained over a thousand teaching hours. He provides in-house company training at the Franco Grasso Revenue Team as well as on-site for various facilities through funded and private courses. He also teaches at the Luiss University in Rome and the ITS BACT Foundation in Naples.

Giorgio Moglioni

Revenue Manager

A well-established revenue manager, he has worked with the Franco Grasso Revenue Team for twelve years. As a consultant and trainer specialising in revenue management techniques and strategies, he has worked with all facility types in Italy and abroad. His background in the hospitality industry, initially as an operator and later as a forecast manager, enables him to speak knowledgeably with hoteliers about the potential and intricacies of revenue management, as well as with property managers and hosts. By studying and analysing each company's features, he can suggest the best pricing and business solutions. A lecturer at the Revenue Academy, Italy’s first school dedicated to Revenue Management, he leads seminars and training modules on this economic discipline at schools, universities and other private professional training bodies.