Promoting an area: which tools to use in a practical way that is in tune with one's own identity

Promoting an area: which tools to use in a practical way that is in tune with one's own identity

05/10/21 h 18:00 - 19:00

An area is worth knowing because it is the real product we are selling, and so it is necessary to find a suitable sales method in tune with our brand, business model and target market. How can those who work in the non-hotel sector profile local offerings; how can they identify the strong points and the points of excellence to be added to the tourist offerings, and what tools and technologies can be used to promote and sell offerings? 


Susanna Milani

Holiday Planner, DMC, Founder Susannetta Concierge

A graduate in architecture specialized in urban studies, Susanna was born and raised in Rome by a Roman family. For about 7 years she has been merrily telling the story of her city with joy, adding new awareness and new services year upon year. Her experience in hospitality is an opportunity for making the city come alive as if you were a Roman. Thanks to her passion for movement, music and sport, Susanna working with her team, has won the title of world champion in Brompton 2013, a special folding bicycle with which she tours Rome, to make a few lucky tourists happy. She is the founder of "Susannetta Concierge" a concierge and holiday planning service in Italy; "In Rome with us" a Roman Territorial Promotion Service; "Welcome Kids to Italy" Tours and Experiences for children and young people; and Co-founder and administrator of a national group on hospitality and services "Network Host - Tools and Services".


Maura Di Mauro

Intercultural, Diversity & Inclusion & Sustainability Specialist

She is a trainer, a coach, and an intercultural consultant; specialized in Diversity & Inclusion, Sustainability and Social Innovation. She is professor of Intercultural Approaches at IATH and Sole24Ore. She handles diversity management, the creation of ad hoc offerings for various incoming clients and defining sustainable strategies in the tourism sector, and works with managers and staff of international groups, travel agencies, tour operators, tourism bodies and tour guides.