New frontiers of digital marketing in the travel sector

New frontiers of digital marketing in the travel sector

05/11/21 h 16:00 - 17:00

“It is no secret that many jobs will change in the near future, just look at the evolution of robotics and artificial intelligence that are already part of our daily lives.

Nearly half of the jobs currently carried out around the world within a few years might be done in whole or in part by machines. The new positions will be more skillful, while those lost will mostly be low-skill positions.

This is not good news, because this new revolution comes in a time when the whole world is already in trouble because of the Pandemic, but that’s the way it is.

According to the "Future of Jobs 2020" report released by the World Economic Forum in November 2020, the key characteristics of the jobs of the future, which emerged from the responses of over 300 managers, are analytical thinking skills and creativity."


Marina Ambrosecchio

President UET Italia

Since 1993, she has been the President and Co-founder of UET ITALIA European University School for Tourism, with campuses in Milan, Rome, Palermo, Cefalù and operational offices in Shanghai-China, Colombo-Sri Lanka and Chandigarh-India. She is the President of the Tour Operator UETRAVEL Srl. She is also President of Elite Voyage Sarl, an Italian-Congolese tourist services company. In 1993, she helped found the UET ITALIA foundation with Nouvelles Frontieres and UET Unité d'Enseignement du Tourisme. In 2020, she created the IDCT International District for Conference and Training in Cefalù-Italy. In 2019, she established UET Lanka in Colombo, Sri Lanka. In 2018, she launched UET Algiers (Algeria). As CEO of UET ITALIA, Ms. Ambrosecchio is responsible for coordinating and managing human resources, marketing, international affairs, controlling the finance department, and establishing cooperation agreements with European and Asian universities. In December 2020, she founded the online monthly magazine UET NEWS.IT, of which she is the editorial director. Diplome of French language by Faculté des Lettres de Nice, First Certificate by University of Cambridge, teaching qualification, winning teaching professorship.

Raffaello Luly


Maurizio Boiocchi

Ceo Spiritual Tour

Born in Milan in 1959 He has a degree in Tourism Sciences, Master in Tourism Management, Master in Tourism in Italy, PhD in Marketing and Business Communication. He has always been interested and involved in the world of tourism and is a freelance journalist, tour guide and technical director. He has worked for national and international tour operators and airlines such as IVET, Pellegrinaggi Paolini, Travelclub, Viajes Ecuador, Press Tours, Alisarda, Meridiana, Veratour, Bilberry Travel, All Together, UET Travel, Brevivet, Terrerranti, and Spiritual Tour. He is currently a member of UET European University School for Tourism with offices in Milan, Rome, Palermo and Cefalù.