Food and wine destinations to be relaunched after Covid

Food and wine destinations to be relaunched after Covid

05/10/21 h 14:00 - 15:00

Food and Wine tourism certainly represents a great potential for promoting, protecting and decentralizing tourist destinations, and also contributes to the sustainability of many locations. Places, their characteristics, identities and specific features become strategic elements for differentiating and for conveying a sense of local pride to residents. The speakers will contribute to an understanding of dynamics and the possible future development scenarios, from the global situation outlined by UNWTO, to the regional situation in Italy.



Introduces Roberta Garibaldi, President of the Italian Food and Wine Tourism Association



Sandra Carvão, Chief of Market Intelligence and Competitiveness UNWTO - United Nations Tourism Agency;

Felice Casucci, Councilor for administrative simplification and tourism of the Campania Region;

Fabrizio Manzulli, Councilor for economic development, territorial marketing and tourism of the Municipality of Taranto;

Paolo Morbidoni, President of the Umbria PDO Oil Road Association;

Andrea Camesasca, Member of the Como Chamber of Commerce Board (In collaboration with Unicredit and the Made4Italy program)


Also available in English




Roberta Garibaldi

President of the Italian Food and Wine Tourism Association

Roberta Garibaldi is professor of Tourism Management. She is in the Board of Director of World Food Travel Association, in the Advisory Board of the World Gastronomy Institute and of the Italian Society Tourism Science (SISTUR). She is a speaker at the main world conferences on the topics, including the UNWTO Forums and the World Economic Forum in Davos. She is Topic editors of the scientific journal «Sustainability”. She is included in the Editorial Board of the scientific journals "Tourism Review" and "Indonesian Journal of Tourism and Leisure". She is member of the Association Internationale d‘Experts Scientifiques du Tourisme (AIEST), Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS) and International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Art and Tourism (IGCAT). She is currently president of the Italian Association of Gastronomy Tourism and author of the Report on Gastronomy Tourism in Italy.

Sandra Carvão

Chief of Market Intelligence and Competitiveness UNWTO - United Nations Tourism Agency

Sandra Carvão has been head of the Tourism Market Intelligence and Competitiveness department at UNWTO - United Nations Tourism Agency since June 2018. Until May 2018, she was Head of Communications and Publications, responsible for UNWTO's strategic positioning, for 8 years. Prior to this assignment, Sandra was Deputy Head at the Market Trends, Competitiveness and Trade in Tourism Services Department of UNWTO between 2007 and 2010. During this period, Sandra coordinated the Tourism Resilience Committee created by the UNWTO to address the impacts of the 2008-2009 global economic crisis on tourism. Prior to joining UNWTO in 2003, Sandra held a position as Market Manager at the Portuguese National Tourist Office in Lisbon. Sandra has a Bachelor's degree in International Relations, Economics, from the Instituto de Ciências Sociais e Políticas / Universidade Técnica de Lisboa and a Master's degree in Marketing from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Felice Casucci

Councilor for administrative simplification and tourism of the Campania Region

Felice Casucci, Councillor for Tourism and Administrative Simplification of the Campania Region, is Professor of Comparative Private Law at the University of Sannio (Bn) and was also Director of the 'Persons, Market and Institutions' Department at the same University. Currently, he is the Director of the scientific journals "Annuario di diritto comparato e di studi legislativi" and "Il Diritto dell'Agricoltura" (ESI Napoli), and of the editorial series "Diritto e Letteratura" (ESI Napoli), a subject he first taught in Italy, and a member of the Scientific Committee of the "Quaderni di Diritto delle Arti e dello Spettacolo". He is also President of the Campania Section of the Italian Society for Research into Comparative Law.

Fabrizio Manzulli

Councilor for economic development, territorial marketing and tourism of the Municipality of Taranto

Fabrizio Manzulli, a current Councillor for Tourism and Economic Development at the City of Taranto, has previously worked as marketing and sales director for several companies. From 1998 to 2003 he was responsible for the Business and Retail Area of the U.S. Lecce team for managing sponsorships, contracts and merchandising. From 2003 until 2012 Manzulli worked for Marconi Advertising, where he was responsible for managing packages for private clients, public tenders, and institutional promotion and marketing. Since 2013, he has been working for Greco, an industrial machinery company, to create a sales network in Europe and perform promotional activities in Germany, UK, Sweden, Denmark, Benelux, Switzerland and Russia. He left Greco in 2015 and in the same year became marketing director of the Locomotive Jazz Festival in Lecce until 2020. Before becoming a current city councillor, he worked for the culture department, and more specifically for the Taranto Municipality's Natale di Mare e Miti project.

Paolo Morbidoni

President of the Umbria PDO Oil Road Association

Entrepreneur. Mayor of the City of Giano dell'Umbria from 2004 to 2014, he has always combined his passion for politics with that for the cultivation and culture of olives and olive oil. He is a member of the Tasters’ Registry for he helped found the regional PDO Umbria Oil Route, and of which he has been a director since 2004 and president since 2011. He was also regional coordinator of the 'Oil Cities' and its national vice-president from 2006 to 2014. In 2017 he was elected President of the Association of Roads of Wine and Oil of Umbria, while from March 2018 he was spokesman and then President of the "Federazione Nazionale delle Strade del Vino, dell'Olio e dei Sapori", which brings together more than 80 produce "Roads" throughout Italy.

Andrea Camesasca

Member of the Como Chamber of Commerce Board (In collaboration with Unicredit and the Made4Italy program)