A new era for Tour Operators

A new era for Tour Operators

05/11/21 h 12:00 - 13:00

The health emergency has caused a rethink of the trade's organizational models. Operators have been working on internal structures, products and, more generally, on strategic lines in order to hook on to the relaunch and to new ways for consuming travel. We talk about it with some of the players.


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Alessandro Seghi

Sales Director Trade Alpitour World

After graduating with honours from Bocconi University, he began his professional career in consulting and then at a multi-national consumer goods company in the Sales and Marketing area. In 2002, he joined the tourism sector at Valtur, where he held positions of increasing importance. Before becoming Sales Director, he worked in marketing, revenue, product development, and direct sales. In 2008, he was called by Blu Holding Group, with which he worked for seven years covering, among others, the role of Group Marketing Director and Tour Operating Director of Going. He joined the Alpitour Group in May 2015 as Group Marketing Director and Sales Director for the Alpitour Division. Between 2018 and 2020, he served as CEO for the Press&Swan tour operator (belonging to Alpitour SpA and recently merged into it by incorporation). He is now the Trade Commercial Director of the leading tour operator on the Italian market.

Ezio Birondi

Chief Operating Officer Settemari-Amo il Mondo-Jump

A dynamic and innovative manager, he entered the world of tourism with Bluvacanze, implementing a high-value distribution model: the joint venture and creating one of the most revolutionary case histories in the sector, which he would later adopt for Cisalpina Tours as Sales Director. He took an active part in the merger of the two companies Cisalpina Tours/Bluvacanze to create the Blu Holding distribution centre. He then took part in the acquisition of Last Minute Tour as Managing Director, a company that became part of the Uvet Group in 2014. When he joined Uvet, he was appointed President of Last Minute Tour and, at the same time, worked as Contract Manager for the leisure area. Following the acquisition of Settemari, he became Managing Director of the latter while also maintaining the role of Chairman of Uvet Retail. From January 2021, following the merger of Settemari into Uvet Viaggi Turismo, he is Chief Operating Officer of Settemari, Amo il Mondo and Jump.

Massimo Broccoli

Veratour Sales Director

Massimo Broccoli has been Commercial Director of Veratour SpA since 2012. Previously, from 1984 to 1988, he was a sales agent in the Professional Hairdressing Products sector for Scwarzkopf Italy. He moved to Navarma SpA in 1988, where he worked as sales manager for the Emilia Romagna area until 1992, and then moved to Alpitour SpA where he worked in various roles until 2012. In particular, with the birth of the Alpitour Group from 2001 to 2005 he was Area Manager for the Alpitour Group (Emilia Romagna, Tuscany and Marche) before 2005 when he became Sales Director of the Alpitour Italia Group, Director of the WTG Board of Directors and Director of the Welltours Board of Directors.

Danilo Curzi

CEO of Ideas for Traveling

Danilo Curzi, born in 1963, has been an entrepreneur in the tourism sector for more than 35 years. He opened his first travel agency in 1985. Ten years later, in 1995, he founded, with two other partners, Idee per Viaggiare, a tour operator specialising in high-quality tourism products with a tailor-made approach. Now, IPV is an established player on the Italian tour operating scene, with more than 140 employees and programs more than 40 destinations worldwide.

Franco Gattinoni

President of Fto - Federazione Turismo Organizzato

Franco Gattinoni is one of the main founders of the Fto Association and has always held the position of Vice-President, until becoming President in January 2021. As an entrepreneur he founded and is Chairman of the Gattinoni Group, a more than consolidated reality in multiple business areas of tourism and events: Incentive&Event, Communication, Healthcare, Business Travel, Made in Italy, the Mondo di Vacanze and My Network travel agency networks (1500 affiliated agencies). The Group now has more than 450 employees, 30 proprietary agencies and 6 operational offices (Milan, Lecco, Monza, Bologna, Turin and Rome). Fto - Federazione del Turismo Organizzato (Federation of Organised Tourism), a member of the Italian General Confederation of Commerce and Industry (Confcommercio - Imprese per l'Italia), is the organised tourism distribution association that represents all the stakeholders in the supply chain with the aim of protecting their interests and strengthening the institutional weight of the sector.

Ivana Jelinic

President of Fiavet

She is the second woman in more than half a century to become president of Fiavet (Italian Federation of Associations of Travel and Tourism Companies). She held her first institutional position at the age of 25, she is now 37 and is dealing with decisive issues for distributional tourism policies in word tourism's darkest moment. From her travel agency in a suburb of Perugia, she outlined the prospects of a sector from a microeconomic perspective for national and international planning that has never been so close to businesses. A meeting industry expert, she has been on the Board of Convention Bureau Italia since 2020. At the helm of Fiavet-Confcommercio nazionale she has the mandate of union and political representation of the entire tourism intermediation sector. In 2020 alone, Fiavet Confcommercio was featured 450 times in newspapers through interviews and press releases.

Andrea Mele

Deputy Vice President Astoi Confindustria Viaggi

One of the founders of Atoi, which later became Astoi Confindustria Viaggi, and a member of the Board of Directors for more than twenty years, he has held the position of Deputy Vice-President for the second term and is Delegate of the Astoi Internal Commission for Relations with Air Carriers. As an entrepreneur, Mele is President and CEO of Viaggi del Mappamondo, a tour operator that has been promoting long-haul destinations for 45 years, a leader in the Far East, Arab Emirates and Middle East, Indian Ocean, Australia, Pacific, Africa, Central and South America. AstoiI Confindustria Viaggi , founded in 2000 from the merger of Atoi and Assotour, represents over 90% of the Italian tour operating market. The Association has constantly strengthened its representative role in relations with the world of institutions, the media and all the players in the sector, becoming one of the most important players on the Italian tourism scene.

Michele Serra

President of Quality Group

Michele Serra is President and one of the founders of Quality Group. Fresh from his classical studies, he joined Mistral in 1989, at the school of the great Stefano Chiaraviglio, one of the pioneers of Italian tourism, author of some legendary 'firsts' in the history of Italian tourism (China, Tibet, Persia...). In 1999, together with other friends, he set up the Quality Group to bring the experience of artisanal tourism into the technological age. Today, the Quality Group is a major player in planning of quality travel to all destinations around the world.


Laura Dominici

Guidaviaggi journalist and Abo utHotel

Editor-in-chief of weekly trade magazine Guida Viaggi since 2005. First Class degree in Foreign Languages and Literature from Turin University, started her career while at University in the sales department of a Timber Import/Export Business rising to Commercial Manager. In 1990 moved into Publishing and until 2005 worked as Editor on TTG Italia, working with overseas journals (Echo Touristique, France and Fvw, Germany). Attended a finance seminar for journalists at the Milan Stock Exchange. Since 2003 has worked with Il Sole 24 Ore on the tourism page.