Will the future of local tourism promotion "still" go through tourism portals?

Will the future of local tourism promotion "still" go through tourism portals?

05/09/21 h 18:00 - 19:00

In the past 20 years of digital tourism history, tourism portals have played a more or less successful role as an aggregation tool to promote local tourism, most often under the patronage of public authorities or territorial tourism development bodies. At a time when the OTA model has been seriously challenged, the idea of a tourism portal as a means of aggregating tourism and generating more valuable bookings is resurfacing, and accordingly we will evaluate the challenges and opportunities that the development of this kind of digital tool assumes today. 



Sergio Cucini


He graduated in economics and commerce from the University of Verona in 1988, and has developed various entrepreneurial activities in construction business consulting and managed his family hotel. This was added to with a serviced apartment complex and then he formed a property management company in 2017. After having held supervisory positions in the Milan-based Anvides, in the Hoteliers' Association for the province of Verona (president for 5 years) and in Confcommercio (member of the provincial board for 4 years), he was made president of the Veronatuttintorno tourist promotion syndicate for almost two years. In addition to this, he served as a board member of the Cooperativa Albergatori Veronesi, overseeing the accommodation business, consulting and advertising.