Wine tourism: new trends between bike events and digital tastings

Wine tourism: new trends between bike events and digital tastings

05/11/21 h 11:00 - 12:00

This involves not only the product, but also culture, tradition, knowledge, territory, identity... Wine allows you to reach your palates, through tastings, and it also offers you the chance to tell your story, to empathise and thus learn and be involved. Tourists want wine-themed experiences that are engaging and memorable and go beyond just tasting. New events, innovative forms of storytelling, combinations such as bike and wine and much more will be the subject of this panel linked to the latest trends in the sector.


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Roberta Garibaldi

President of the Italian Food and Wine Tourism Association

Roberta Garibaldi is professor of Tourism Management. She is in the Board of Director of World Food Travel Association, in the Advisory Board of the World Gastronomy Institute and of the Italian Society Tourism Science (SISTUR). She is a speaker at the main world conferences on the topics, including the UNWTO Forums and the World Economic Forum in Davos. She is Topic editors of the scientific journal «Sustainability”. She is included in the Editorial Board of the scientific journals "Tourism Review" and "Indonesian Journal of Tourism and Leisure". She is member of the Association Internationale d‘Experts Scientifiques du Tourisme (AIEST), Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS) and International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Art and Tourism (IGCAT). She is currently president of the Italian Association of Gastronomy Tourism and author of the Report on Gastronomy Tourism in Italy.


Riccardo Borghero

Director of the Verona Chamber of Commerce promotion service

Born in the last century in the Chamber of Commerce of Verona, where he manages Local Development and Promotion assisted by a fantastic team. Graduated in Economics with a dissertation on Wine companies, he is certain that E.T. means Eno-Tourist and he does everything he can to prove it. Since 2017 he has been following the Wine Tourism Project of the international network Great Wine Capitals, where Verona represents Italy.

Tosca Chersich

Promotion Area Manager of the Chieti Pescara Chamber of Commerce (In collaboration with Unicredit and the Made4Italy program)

Manager of the Chamber of Commerce of Chieti Pescara, in charge of Business Promotion and Development. Specifically, he is the person of reference for the Chamber of the national PID network, Punto Impresa Digitale (Digital Enterprise Point) for the digitisation of SMEs. He promotes networking between the world of education and the world of work and job placement, as well as the enhancement of the cultural and tourist heritage of the local area of competence. He manages activities and initiatives to support the growth of the "Abruzzo" regional tourism, with particular reference to cycle tourism, environmental tourism and experiential tourism, as well as the enhancement of wine and food products of excellence. It manages trade fairs and territorial animation events, organises training courses on various topics, coordinates local and tourism marketing projects and projects for the internationalisation of businesses.

Marina Montedoro

President of Associazione Colline Conegliano Valdobbiadene UNESCO

Chairwoman of the Association for the UNESCO Heritage of the Prosecco Hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene since January 2020. In 2005, Marina started to work at Confcooperative Veneto where she became regional manager of Fedagri Veneto. Three years later, she left to move to Rome where she was appointed Director of the "Research and Experimentation" office of the Ministry of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies (Mipaaf). In 2014, she was appointed Director of the Spallanzani Institute, a national research institute dealing with reproduction, selection and genetic improvement of farm animals, which she still leads. In 2019, she was appointed Director of Coldiretti Lombardia. Since 2008, she has also held important roles representing Italy in numerous international committees.

Fabrizio Mureddu

Commissioner of UniNuoro

A former university researcher in Administrative Law, he currently directs the University Consortium of Central Sardinia and the RESTART Competence Centre in it. He manages research and training and local development for the promotion of human and natural capital. He has collaborated to establish several local business networks, foundations and rural and cultural districts. He has held university lectures at specialised schools, masters and advanced courses. For almost twenty years, he has been the entrepreneurial partner of a family-run farm-holiday business.

Federico Gordini

Founder and President Milano Wine Week

Founder and Chairman of Milano Wine Week, the first Milan-based week dedicated to the world of wine. After two successful editions, in October 2020, Milano Wine Week International was also born, connecting Milan with seven other international cities. Since 2018, the year in which Milano Wine Week was launched, Federico has been appointed Chairman of the Giovani Imprenditori of Confcommercio Lombardy and in 2016 he received the "Piazza Mercanti" award from the President of Confindustria and Confcommercio, an award bestowed by the Milan-based manufacturing sector.