Food and wine, tourism and digital acceleration

Food and wine, tourism and digital acceleration

05/11/21 h 15:00 - 16:00

Beyond all the evils, one of the merits of this pandemic is the activatation of the acceleration of digitalization, particularly of the e-commerce for exports and of digital innovation. Food, wine and tourism are the perfect combination to make the most of the opportunities that digital and professionals in this sector can offer.

This presentation will be an opportunity to better understand the trends and the future of food and wine tourism thanks to the necessary digital acceleration, fortunately already in place.



Letizia Pini

Founding member of DEA Donnechemmiro and owner of the Letizia Pini Agency

Owner of the agency of the same name, Letizia Pini is mamber of F.E.R.P.I, Manager of Certified Network, founding member of the Convention Bureau Terre di Siena, and is also a member of the Professional Group of The International Society of Female Professionals. She has been working in the Public Relations and Communication sector since 1992. She has always been involved in the Governance of Complex Relations, Brand and Promotion Strategies, Media Relations and Press Office, Project Manager, Event Manager, in the profit and non-profit sectors. Publisher, writer, ghost writer, engaged in volunteering, disability and associations. Trained and raised in Milan, in 2013 she returned to Tuscany where she moved her operational headquarters. It deals with the promotion of the territory and food, major events, culture and society.


Nerina Di Nunzio

Food Blogger

Marketing and communication expert. She founded Food Confidential, the first communication agency entirely dedicated to the world of food and wine in Rome. She was director of the European Institute of Design in Rome and of the Cooking School La Cucina Italiana Gruppo Condè Nast in Milan; director of Marketing and Communication and of the Master in Food and Wine Journalism at Gambero Rosso. She is a highly qualified expert, teaching the course "Enogastronomic Sciences and Cultures" in the Department of Science at Roma Tre University, the course of "Food and Beverage Industry" at the International University of Rome and the course "Food Digital Marketing" in the Faculty of Economics. She wrote a book on the direct sale of organic products for Coldiretti and the Ministry of Agriculture. Passionate about languages, she is author and TV presenter; also Mindfulness instructor and speaker. She believes and disseminates the law of attraction.

Elisa Romei

Sommelier and Wine Tourism Consultant

Owner of Siena Wine Service. The passion for wine was transmitted to her by her father, a collector and admirer. Her activity is carried out as a B2B consultant for operators in the tourism sector, and particularly organizing wine tourism experiences. Indeed, she organizes events and wine tasting experiences working with wine companies. Siena Wine Service’s mission is to support Travel Agencies and Tour Operators to allow them to have a trusted partner and a point of reference in the Sienese territory, ranging in the main wine tourism areas: Siena, Chianti Classico, Val d'Orcia, Saint Gimignano. Siena Wine Service acts as an organizer of services, able to activate synergies and find the best solutions to meet customers’ specific needs.

Daniela Ferrando

Foodcultural Editor and Oil Taster

Freelance, Milanese, graduated in classical literature, master in direct marketing. 30 years of corporate communication as a copywriter, advertising translator, digital strategist, editor. She writes about food and culture, hospitality, territories and tourism on,, Olive oil taster registered in the Lombardy section of the National Register.

Giusi Miccoli

Co-Founder DEA Donnecheammiro

Co-founder of DEA # donnecheammiro. Sociologist of work with a Master in Business Administration and a Master in Organizational Sciences. She is a Strategic Advisor in Personnel Development Policies and Learning Processes. She was Sole Director of ASAP (Agency for the Development of Public Administrations), redefining their strategic plan and training offer. She held positions of responsibility in important training schools. She has a consolidated experience in managing complex projects in Italy and abroad. In the PA sector, she led projects on skills analysis, internal communication and innovative training. She is lecturer for universities and training schools. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the magazine Formazione & Cambiamento. She periodically writes articles on the topics of learning, skills and organizational innovation. She published “Homo Italicus. The evolution of the Italian male species” in 2010 with the AlibertiCastelvecchi publishing house.

Francesco Palumbo

Director of Tuscany Tourism Promotion

PhD in “Economic, mathematical and statistical analysis of social phenomena”. He is currently Director of Tuscany Tourism Promotion Agency. Previously, he was Director General of Tourism, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism (MiBACT); Director for the "Enhancement of Cultural Heritage" of the Superintendency of the Municipality of Rome; Director of the Policies Area for the Promotion of the Territory, Knowledge and Talents Puglia Region on which the sectors of Cultural Heritage, Entertainment and Culture, Tourism, Mediterranean, School, University and Research depend.