Excitement & Sales

Excitement & Sales

05/11/21 h 16:00 - 17:00

How to increase sales through knowing and managing our customers’ excitement.


Roberto Boccacelli

Performance & Hospitality Coach

He is the first Business Coach specialised in Hospitality. He is a hotel owner in Florence, Consultant for various hospitality and tourism services, Professional coach, and Trainer. These are the "identities" that come alive in Roberto Boccacelli's work. Roberto's aim is to help companies increase productivity by working on the human factor. This is all thanks to the Emotional Revenue® method, designed and developed by him. Roberto Boccacelli realised that each member of his staff had hidden potential that even the employees did not know they possessed. He understood, therefore, that it was necessary to start from each PERSON. This means each Person, Process, People, and Performance: the "4 P's of Coaching". Roberto Boccacelli trained at the School for Professional Coaches founded by John Whitmore, Executive Chairman of Performance Consultants International in London.