Direct Booking Movement: from proposal to reality

Direct Booking Movement: from proposal to reality

05/09/21 h 15:00 - 16:00

The Direct Booking movement is a reality that is gaining more and more followers especially since the crisis triggered by COVID 19. Together with the leaders of this movement in Italy, we will evaluate what the dynamics are behind this approach that has a growing number of followers around the world.



Gianpaolo Vairo


Gianpaolo is a professional who has been working in the non-hotel sector for over 15 years, at first in the Property Management sector and then in the field of management software and specialised sales channels for the short-term lettings sector. From Barcelona, where he lives, under the "Vacation Rental Rocket"brand, he offers specialised consultancy services to all companies working in the non-hotel hospitality sector, with a particular focus on the southern European market. For over 7 years he has been organising training events for hospitality professionals, consolidating a conference format that now forms the basis of the model adopted by Host B2B, the European community of non-hotel professionals of which he is co-founder together with Francesco Mongiello.