Inauguration of BIT Digital Edition

Inauguration of BIT Digital Edition

05/09/21 h 11:00 - 12:30

Inauguration of BIT Milan, the International Tourism Exchange, which will be held for the first time in digital mode, renovating the all-round event dedicated to the world of travel in a completely new way.


Luca Palermo, CEO and General Manager Fiera Milano;
Alfonso Morvillo, Coordinator of the Italian Tourism Report - CNR IRISS. Presentation of the XXIV Italian Tourism Report;
Caroline Bremner, Head of travel research at Euromonitor International. A sustainable and digital transformation for the recovery of European tourism;
Alessandra Priante, Europe Director of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). The global tourism scenario;
Thierry Bretone, European Commissioner for the Internal Market. The European plan to boost tourism and the Digital Green Pass;
Massimo Garavaglia, Minister of Tourism;
Chair: Magda Antonioli, Director of ACME Bocconi University.



Luca Palermo

CEO & General Manager Fiera Milano

Luca Palermo is Managing Director and General Manager of Fiera Milano and Vice President of AEFI, the leading association for Italian trade fairs. He graduated in Economics and Commerce at the University of Pavia, and obtained a postgraduate degree in General Management at Harvard Business School. He has primarily developed his professional career in service-oriented sectors. He was, since 2018, Managing Director and General Manager of Edenred Italia, a multinational company engaged in enterprise solutions, where he contributed to the deep digital and technological transformation. During the previous years, he served as CEO of Logista Italia, leading distributor of tobacco and convenience for the tobacco shops in Italy. From 2009 to 2017 he worked as CEO of Nexive Italia Group, leading the company to establish itself as the first private mailing operator in Italy. He also gained important experience in sales & operations in multinational contexts such as Vodafone and Johnson&Johnson. Palermo is also socially engaged: he has been a member of the board of the Vodafone Foundation and a member of the Board of Directors of AGIRE - Agenzia Italiana per la Risposta alle Emergenze (Italian Emergency Response Agency), a non-profit organisation dedicated to assisting populations affected by the most serious humanitarian emergencies in the world.

Alfonso Morvillo

Coordinator of the Italian Tourism Report - CNR IRISS

Alfonso Morvillo is Research Director at the CNR's Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development (formerly Institute for Research on Tertiary Activities) of which he was Director from 2003 to 2020. During his long term of office, he widened the scope of the institute's original mission, characterising it by a strong multidisciplinary approach, attracting new researchers with complementary skills and, finally, promoting its re-establishment under its current name. His main scientific interests are Management of Tourist Services and Cultural Heritage, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Local Development, and have resulted in a vast scientific production in terms of books and articles in national and international journals. He has been Scientific Responsable of about twenty competitive research projects funded at European, national and regional level, as well as of about thirty consultancy assignments conferred to the Institute by public and private bodies. Currently he is coordinator and co-coordinator of projects funded by the European Commission. He is co-founder and vice-president of the international association "The Tourism Intelligent Forum - The t-Forum" and is a member of the Board of Directors of several consortia in which the CNR participates. He is a member of the Advisory Board of top tier journals on tourism, as well as Director of the Quaderni IRISS CNR series and editor of the Rapporto sul Turismo Italiano (with E. Becheri).

Caroline Bremner

Head of Travel Research Euromonitor International

Caroline Bremner manages the global content strategy for the travel and tourism industry at Euromonitor International, which she joined in July 1996. Euromonitor International is a world leading market research company with 15 offices world-wide. As a global thought leader, Caroline engages with clients, trade bodies and research partners, working with Analysts across 100 countries to drive strategic insights. She has played an integral role in creating the most extensive travel and tourism intelligence system as used by leading destinations, governments and travel brands around the world. Before joining Euromonitor, Caroline was a Tourist Guide in one of Edinburgh’s leading attractions. Caroline has a degree in French (MA (Hons), University of Edinburgh) and Postgraduate Diploma in European Marketing and Languages (PG Dip, Napier University, Edinburgh). Caroline received a Celebrating Her Global Award for Empowered Women in Tourism from ITB Berlin and the International Institute for Peace through Tourism in 2018.

Alessandra Priante

Europe Director of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

An economist with extensive international and diplomatic experience, she is currently based in Madrid as the United Nations Europe - Tourism Director, the first woman and the first Italian in the Agency's history to hold this prestigious position. In this role, she manages the Agency's largest region, with 42 member countries that alone account for 51% of the world tourism market. During this period, which identifies the most serious crisis for the sector globally, Alessandra has been the leading figure in many high impact initiatives that have placed the UNWTO at the heart of the European Institutions and Italy at the centre of the global communication campaign for the restart of tourism (#RestartTourism). Among other activities, she is also head of the Technical Committee of the Global Crisis Commission for the Tourism Sector, a body that brings together UN Agencies, UNWTO Member Countries and international private sector associations. A Bocconi graduate in business economics, with two Master's degrees, including an executive MBA at Luiss, six foreign languages and a great passion for the State, she took up the reins of national tourism policy in 2015, on her return from an exceptional 5-year diplomatic mission in the Persian Gulf, aimed at promoting Italy in the UAE, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain. In a short time, she has managed to put Italy back in the centre of the main international platforms, from UNWTO (World Tourism Organisation) to OECD, Europe and the BlueMed, Eusair and Eusalp strategies. As an expert in policy and especially in economic and financial analysis, Alessandra was in charge of coordinating the creation of a comprehensive national database and participated in the drafting of the national strategic plan 2017-2020, governance reforms up to the management of the difficult transition of tourism from culture vs agriculture in 2018. In addition to this onerous assignment with the government 2018-2019, she was the head of the international relations and ceremonial office of the MiPAAFT. Author of numerous publications, she has taught at various Italian universities and is currently an associate professor at Luiss Business School. She is passionate about music, cinema, art and good food. But above all she is passionate about her work and loves reading, travelling, her family and friends.

Thierry Breton

European Commissioner for the Internal Market

Engineer, with a Supélec qualification in computer science, Thierry Breton begins his career as an entrepreneur in the new technologies sector. In 1981, he set up in the United States Forma Systems, an SME which he heads for 5 years. At the same time it publishes a number of science-fiction novels, including Softwar, sold at 2 million copies and translated into a dozen or so languages. In France, he designs and then designs the Futuroscope, the first science and technology tourism park, between 1986 and 1990. In parallel, he was also elected regional councillor and then Vice-President of Poitou-Charentes from 1986 to 1992. He runs a number of companies in the market for goods, as well as in the IT sector and new technologies. He was Director of the Strategy and Development, then Managing Director of Bull between 1993 and 1997. He then takes the lead of Thomson Multimedia, a global electronics company. In 2002, he was appointed to the head of the multinational operator France Télécom. In 2005 he was appointed Minister for Economic Affairs, Finance and Industry of France, which he held until 2007. Following his ministerial office, he teaches the governance at the Harvard Business School. In 2009, he became CEO of Atos, a technology and digital service company until 2019. He chairs ANRT, the National Association for Research and Technology until 2019. He is a member of the Technology Academy. In 2019 he became the European Commissioner for the Internal Market. It is responsible for industry, services, digital, defence and space, as well as tourism and audiovisual.

Massimo Garavaglia

Minister of Tourism

Minister Garavaglia was appointed Minister of Tourism on 12 February 2021, with Prime Minister Draghi’s new government, and is part of the “Lega Salvini Premier” political party. He graduated in Economics and Commerce with a specialisation in Corporate Finance at the Bocconi University of Milan. He holds a second degree in Political Science from the University of Milan. He has also attended several courses at the Bocconi University School of Business Administration in Milan, on the following subjects: marketing, economic and asset accounting, local authority policies. In 2006, he was elected as a Member of the Italian Parliament, becoming a member of the Social Affairs Commission and then Head of the Budget and Economic Planning Commission of the Treasury. In 2008, he became a Senator of the Italian Republic and Vice President of the Budget Commission. Between 2006 and 2013, he oversaw important economic measures and was rapporteur for financial and budget laws. In 2013, he served as a Lombardy regional councillor on economic issues. In 2018, he was re-elected as a member of the Italian Parliament with the “Lega Salvini Premier” political party. In June 2018, he was appointed Under-Secretary of State for Economics and Finance, later becoming Deputy Minister for Economics and Finance. Since February 2021, he has been Italy's Minister of Tourism.


Madga Antonioli

Director of ACME Bocconi University

Professor of Tourism Economics and Policy, Director since 2018 of the ACME (Artes, Communication, Media and Enterteinement) Master Degree and from 1986 to 2018 Director of the MET- Master in Tourism Economics at Bocconi University. Vice-President of ETC (European Travel Commission) based in Brussels, and member of the Board of ENIT (National Tourism Agency for Italy). Member of ATLAS (Association for Tourism and Leisure Education), UN-WTO, United Nations Agency for Tourism and IFITT (International Federation for IT and Travel &Tourism). 2011-2014 Special Advisor for Tourism to the EU Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship; from 2015 to 2017, member of the Permanent Technical Committee of the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism; Chairman (2010-14) and now member of the Tourism Task Force of the European Alpine Convention (Ministry of the Environment). She is a member of the Scientific Committee of various journals on Tourism and is the author of numerous articles and books on the subjects of Tourism Economics and Politics and Tourism Marketing, also with particular regard to the role of ICT and territorial resources.