05/11/21 h 16:00 - 17:00
Bottom-up promotion, or #crowdpromotion, is what used to be called "word of mouth" before the advent of digital: someone tells people about their travels, villages and cities, destinations and experiences. Not influencers. People.
Today, digital communications have enabled us to be faster, but less effective: too much content is too often disconnected from real experience, and is just contrived storytelling. There are lots of players, lots of marketing content and little measurement of targets and true experience, and no real data captured. Only possible followers.
There is a way to get people who actually experience a destination to tell all about it, enabling actual data collection as your message travels between people (residents, travellers and leads) who know each other. Is that possible?
Today we will tell you about the results achieved with Pemcards before and during the pandemic.
Andrea Gambini, CEO Emotion / Pemcards;
Geni Bigliazzi, Business Manager Emotion / Pemcards
Vincenzo Carducci, Municipality of Orvieto;
Federica Scala , Senior Sales, CoopCulture